Thursday 8 January 2015

Cara mudah Membuat Blog Dan Gratiss

Kali ini saya akan memberikan cara membuat blog dengan sangat mudah...
Tetapi perlu di ketahui kalian harus mempunyai Gmail,untuk cara membuat gmail klik di sini dan untuk membuat gmail Klik Disini .
Setelah anda mempunyai Gmail,Ikuti langkah mudah di bawah ini
Cara Membuat Blog Dengan Mudah
  • Silahkan kunjungi alamat dan masukkan username dan password dari akun Gmail anda.

  •  Dalam halaman dasbor anda akan melihat gambar anda, dan di bawah gambar itu ada sebuah tombol "Blog Baru". Klik pada tombol itu untuk memulai membuat blog anda.
  • Anda akan melihat sebuah formulir yang harus diisi untuk membuat blog baru anda. Di dalam formulir ini anda diminta mengisi Judul Blog, Alamat Blog, dan Template Dasar.
  • Panduan untuk anda: 
    • Pastikan Judul, dan Alamat Subdomain yang anda pilih mengandung kata kunci yang anda targetkan. Atau sembarang saja jika anda berniat mengganti subdomain blogspot anda dengan domain sendiri nantinya (entah itu .com, .org, .net, dll). 
    • Untuk bisnis online sangat disarankan untuk mengganti nama domain agar terlihat lebih profesional dan tentunya menunjang SEO jika nama domain anda bisa tepat sama dengan kata kunci yang anda kejar. (Biayanya cuma Rp.100.000/tahun)
  • Setelah anda selesai di formulir ini silahkan klik tombol BUAT BLOG, dan selesai
Sampai di sini anda sudah tahu cara membuat blog baru. Tapi blog saudara masihlah blog yang sangat standar dan belum ada isinya. Saudara akan sangat sulit bersaing di Google ataupun di pasar bisnis online jika hanya mengandalkan blog alakadarnya ini.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Lirik Lagu Imposible

 Lirik Lagu Imposible

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did

And you were strong and I was not
My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot
I did

And now when all is done
There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won
You can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

Falling out of love is hard
Falling for betrayal is worse
Broken trust and broken hearts
I know, I know...
Thinking all you need is there
Building faith on love and words
Empty promises will wear
I know, I know...

And now when all is gone
There is nothing to say

And if you're done with embarrassing me
On your own you can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
Aaaawwwwwaaww what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

Lirik Lagu Jem-It's Amazing

Lirik Lagu Jem-It's Amazing

Do it now
You know who you are
You feel it in your heart
And you're burning with ambition

At first, wait,
Won't get it on a plate
You're gonna have to work for it harder and harder

And I know
'cause I've been there before
Knocking on the doors with rejection (rejection)
And you'll see
'cause if it's meant to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream

It's amazing,
It's amazing all that you can do
It's amazing,
Makes my heart sing
Now it's up to you

Patience, now, frustration's in the air
And people who don't care
Well, it's gonna get you down

And you'll fall (fall)
Yes, you will hit a wall
But get back on your feet
And you'll be stronger and smarter

And I know
'cause I've been there before
Knockin' down the doors,
Won't take "No" for an answer
And you'll see
'cause if it's meant to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream



[Electric voice:]
Don´t be embarrassed, don´t be afraid
Don´t let your dreams slip away
It's determination and using your gift
Everybody has a gift
Never give up, never let it die
Trust your instincts and most importantly
You´ve got nothing to lose
So just go for it

[Chorus 2x]


Lirik Lagu Let It Go (frozen)

Lirik Lagu Let It Go

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation,
and it looks like I'm the Queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in;
Heaven knows I've tried
Don't let them in,
don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel,
don't let them know
Well now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care
what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on.
The cold never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me,
I'm free!
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past
Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway!

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